学分 & 学期的信息 |太阳城官网


学分 & 学期的信息


学分是用于计算课程所需工作量的单位.   Credits given for the course are listed after the course title in the course description.  太阳城官网的课程设置有多种教育方式.  教学方式包括面授和实验, 加速, 混合动力, 远程教育(互联网和IVN), 个性化教学系统, 独立学习.  所有课程的授课方式都要求同等学历. 


在课堂上, one (1) semester hour of credit represents one (1) contact hour per week for one (1) semester; in a laboratory course, one (1) semester hour of credit represents two (2) contact hours per week; and internships and practicum courses, one (1) semester hour of credit represents three (3) hours of practical work experience per week for one (1) semester. 除了, a minimum of two hours of additional outside work is recommended for students (such as reading, 研究, (或完成作业)每周每讲一个学分.

Some practicum hours are defined by certification requirements and are so noted in the degree plan.  实验课程在课程描述中有明确说明.  
速成课程以各种形式提供, 但至少需要半个小时的常规教学.  因此, for a regular three credit course that would meet 45 hours in an 加速 mode requires a minimum of 22.5小时教学.  The amount of classroom time and outside work for an 加速 course must be equivalent to the total hours required in and out of the classroom for a face-to-face course.


混合课程通过面对面和远程学习提供.   A 混合动力 course requires a minimum of one credit hour of regular instruction per week and the remaining instruction is completed through distance learning.    除了, the amount of outside work for the student should be the same as a regular face-to-face to course.


SBC目前通过远程学习提供教学方法, 其中包括以下方法:

1. 交互式视频网络(ivn)

This method of delivery is an alternative to the regular classroom instruction methods.  This two-way interactive communication system uses cameras and microphones at one site. Participants at other sites can watch and listen to an instructor or presenter on a television monitor.  

2. 网络课程

This method of delivery is an alternative to the regular classroom instruction methods.  Only those student that have successfully completed their most recent semester of college courses (12 or more credits) with a 2.平均成绩为00分的学生可以注册网上课程。.  没有第一次, first-year freshman or a student on probation will be allowed to register for on-line Internet course(s).  Transfer students must provide transcripts prior to registering for on-line Internet course(s), 并且必须以2分的成绩成功完成大学水平的课程.最近一学期成绩达到或超过100分.

A student’s academic advisor will assist in determining a student’s “readiness” for on-line Internet course(s) through discussion with the student in regards to previous computer experience prior to registration.

Requirements for distance learning courses are just as stringent as attending regular classes.


A student at 太阳城官网 may need to take a course independently in order to satisfy graduation requirements in the student’s major.  An Independent Study course offers a student the opportunity to make an in-depth study of a topic in the student’s regular curriculum but at a time not offered by the college.  (请注意,任何需要实验和/或实践活动的课程, 任何教育方法课程都不能作为一门独立的学习课程.)  

No more than three (3) credit hours from an independent study may be earned in any one semester, and no more than nine (9) credit hours of independent study credit may count toward satisfying the minimum requirements for a degree at 太阳城官网*.

The student assumes the major responsibility for conducting the independent study with the guidance of 项目顾问 and faculty of record. All independent studies are expected to include the same course requirements as the regular face-to-face course.  而没有正式的自主学习班会时间, regular class meetings may be scheduled to facilitate faculty-student conferences and reporting. 鼓励使用电子邮件交流.

太阳城官网 reserves the right to deny independent study for any course to any student at any time.


  1. A student wishing to enroll in independent study should begin by completing the Independent Study Application Form at least one week before the first day of class for the semester. The student should confer with the Program Advisor for justification for the Independent Study course.
  2. The student must meet the following requirements before taking an Independent Study course:
  3. The student needs to be making satisfactory progress in the student’s degree plan and have a 2.要求独立学习课程时的累积GPA为00;  
  4. 学生必须修满12个学分,平均成绩不低于2分.00或以上;
  5. The application must present a convincing rationale for the intended independent study and must provide evidence of a genuine desire to work independently.
  6. The student should then submit the Application Form to the approved faculty of record to agree to the Independent Study.
  7. 如果学校同意独立学习课程, the student will then submit the approved application form to the Dean of 学者 for final approval.  学生应保留申请表的副本, 项目顾问, 还有记录教员.
  8. 指定的教员将布置所需的课程, 必要的会议时间, 以及给学生的时间轴.  沟通可以是面对面的,通过电话,或电子手段.
  9. 要注册,学生必须完成课程的常规注册材料.
* Students may request a waiver of the maximum credit policy from the Dean of 学者. 只有在学生导师的支持下,才会给予豁免.


太阳城官网以学期为基础, which is a term averaging fifteen (15) weeks of instruction and one (1) week for final exams for a total of sixteen (16) weeks.  A Summer Session is approximately six (6) weeks in length and the classes offered during the summer session vary.  (学期开始和结束日期见校历).